Thursday, August 3, 2017

Wildlife Observed in Williston

Have you ever looked out of your window to see a Gray Fox running across your lawn? Have you ever been driving home from work and seen a White-tail Deer crossing the road in front of your car? If your answer to either of those questions was yes, then we'd like you to post these observations on the “Wildlife Observed in Williston” iNaturalist page. The “Wildlife Observed in Williston” iNaturalist page was created in order to bring about a better understanding of the distribution of wildlife species across the Williston landscape. Your observations will be used to help further refine the Significant Wildlife Habitat Area map, used to regulate new development in Williston. Check back soon to find out more information on an upcoming iNaturalist training that we will be offering. Thanks!

You can find the page here: or search “Wildlife Observed in Williston” on the iNaturalist app on your mobile device.