Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Planner's Corner: February 2020 Edition

Welcome to Planner's Corner, a monthly update on the activities of the Williston Planning and Zoning Department.
In the first month of the new decade, the Planning and Zoning office has been reflecting on how we can engage more folks in town planning and communicate its nuances so that the vision for Williston can become a reality.
This is a task which we do not take lightly. The mission Statement of the Williston Planning department states: “It is our mission to help the town create and realize a vision for its future. This vision is encompassed by the Williston Comprehensive Plan which we use to identify goals, objectives and policies. The Comprehensive Plan is administered through the Williston Unified Development Bylaw. We hope to empower citizens so that we may work together to build, finance, protect, support, and create an equitable, sustainable, and healthy community for present and future generations.”
We are working on ways to make all of these processes easier to understand and navigate. We are creating FAQ sheets and infographics about the development review process; the roles of the different boards and commissions; how they interact; and how you can take part in those operations. You can find a new infographic on the Discretionary Permit process on our website and while we are still preparing other information, there are several ways to get involved. We have four boards and commissions directly involved with the planning process:
The Planning Commission, whose function is long range planning including preparation of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan of Development, Zoning Regulations, and Subdivision Regulations.
The Development Review Board, which is responsible for reviewing and approving all proposed development projects. This includes conditional use, variance, site plan, and subdivision approvals. All meeting agendas, minutes, project proposals, and staff reports are posted to our website.
The Historic and Architectural Advisory Committee, which is responsible for making recommendations to the Development Review Board on applications subject to the Unified Development Bylaw. They also make recommendations regarding Certificates of Appropriateness for proposed construction, reconstruction, alteration, subdivision or other specified development in the Historic Preservation District.
The Conservation Commission, which advises the Planning Commission and Selectboard on matters relating to the Town's natural resources, including wetlands, open space, wildlife habitat, viewsheds, and rare and endangered animal and plant species.  The Conservation Commission promotes open space and conservation through studies, negotiations and advice on the use of the Town Environmental Reserve Fund.
These are volunteer citizen boards who welcome participation from their fellow community members. Each meeting is open to the public and you can find the schedules, agendas, and minutes on our website. All meetings begin with time for general public comment not related to the agenda items. If you have a topic you’d like to discuss in depth, you can get in contact with the Planning and Zoning staff to see if it can be an agenda item. We hope that folks will continue to engage in productive dialogue and attend meetings so that the town may know the ideas of the citizenry which we work for.
Here’s a summary of what’s coming up for our boards during the month of February. Agendas, meeting minutes, and supporting documents for the items discussed below can be found on the “Public Records and Documents” page of Williston’s website.
Development Review Board (DRB)
WHEN: 7:00 PM on February 25th
WHERE: Town hall meeting Room, 7900 Williston Road
WHAT: DP 20-03.1
Historical and Architectural Advisory Committee (HAAC)
WHEN: 5:30 PM on February 18th
WHERE: Planning & Zoning Office, 7878 Williston Road
WHAT: Design review of DP 09-01.17; DP 20-03.1
Williston Conservation Commission (WCC)
WHEN: 7:00 AM on February 19th
WHERE: Planning & Zoning Office, 7878 Williston Road
WHAT: Five Tree Hill Management Plan update; Allen Brook water quality monitoring.
Planning Commission (PC)
WHEN: 7:00 PM on February 18th
WHERE: Police Station Meeting Room, 7928 Williston Road
WHAT:  Energy Plan; Parking Standards

For more information, visit www.williston.vt.us, click on the “Boards and Commissions” Tab on the left side of the page, then click on the relevant board or commission link. Our staff is ready to assist you from 8:00-4:30, Monday through Friday. We can be reached at 802-878-6704 or by email.