Friday, December 21, 2018

Planner’s Corner, December 2018 Edition

Greetings, Williston!

Welcome to Planner's Corner, a monthly update on the activities of the Williston Planning and Zoning Department.

Topic of the Month: Growth Management!
As far as we know, Williston is the only town in Vermont that regulates the rate of construction and the location of new housing with a competitive “Growth Management” system.  The town plans on an average of 80 dwelling units per year, and within that 80-unit limit, awards approvals to move forward to projects that best meet the town’s Comprehensive Plan Goals. You can read all about it on the Planning and Zoning Webpage for the topic.

Growth Management is our topic of the month for two reasons: first, it’s coming up. Very soon, applicants who went through the first stage of review for new residential projects will be receiving and completing surveys that will be reviewed by the Development Review Board (DRB) in March. The DRB will then award “allocation,” essentially the right to build units in new and existing projects, based on how competitive each project is.  It can get a little complicated, but the focus of the system is to have most new growth in the Growth Center (Taft Corners) and to encourage projects that protect open space, provide paths or trails, add affordable housing to the town, or meet some of the town’s other goals.

The other reason Growth Management is our topic of the month is that there are some proposed changes to the system working their way through review by the Selectboard. The recommended changes come from the Planning Commission, who have worked through several public information sessions and their own bylaw amendment hearing process over the last 18 months. The draft changes proposed to the Selectboard can be found in their December 18, 2018 agenda packet on the town’s website. The proposed changes maintain the 80-unit per year cap, adjust some of the incentives, alter the timing of the system to make it more consistent, and allow exemptions for some very highly competitive projects and some types of perpetually affordable housing. We’d encourage folks to check it out and give the planning office a call or email with any questions.    

As always, we are also ready to assist with questions about our zoning rules, permits for home projects, conservation lands, or long-range plans for the town. Our doors are open, 8:00-4:30, Monday through Friday. We can be reached at 878-6704 or by email.

Here’s a summary of what’s coming up for our boards in the next month. Agendas, meeting minutes, and supporting documents for the items discussed below can be found on the “Public Records and Documents” page of Williston’s website.

WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 7:00 PM and Tuesday, January 22, 7:00 PM
WHERE: Police Station Meeting Room, 7928 Williston Road
WHAT: Global Partners requests a discretionary permit to subdivide a parcel between two existing     commercial uses in the GZDN. DP # 19-10 (1/8/19)
Riggs Properties, LLP requests a discretionary permit to release emergency access easement across a property in the GZDN. DP # 19-12 (1/8/19)
Cresta Nedde, LLC requests a discretionary permit for conversion of warehouse space into office space, a boundary line adjustment, and creation of additional vehicle parking on a parcel on Hurricane Lane in the GZDS. DP #19-13 (1/22/18)

WHEN: Tuesday, January 15 (No Meeting January 1)
WHERE: Planning and Zoning Conference Room, 7878 Williston Road, 1st Floor
WHAT: Discussion regarding amendment to bylaw.

WHEN: Wednesday, January 16, 7:00 AM
WHERE: Planning and Zoning Conference Room, 7878 Williston Road, 1st Floor
WHAT: 1/16/19 – Pine Ridge Forest Management Plan; Allen Brook 2018 water quality monitoring results and plans for 2019.

WHEN: Tuesday, January 15 7:00 PM
WHERE: Planning and Zoning Conference Room, 7878 Williston Road, 1st Floor
WHAT:  Discussion of impact fees and parking requirements

For more information about the DRB, HAAC, WCC, or PC visit , click on the “Boards and Commissions” Tab on the left side of the page, then click on the relevant board or commission link.