Thursday, August 3, 2017

Wildlife Observed in Williston

Have you ever looked out of your window to see a Gray Fox running across your lawn? Have you ever been driving home from work and seen a White-tail Deer crossing the road in front of your car? If your answer to either of those questions was yes, then we'd like you to post these observations on the “Wildlife Observed in Williston” iNaturalist page. The “Wildlife Observed in Williston” iNaturalist page was created in order to bring about a better understanding of the distribution of wildlife species across the Williston landscape. Your observations will be used to help further refine the Significant Wildlife Habitat Area map, used to regulate new development in Williston. Check back soon to find out more information on an upcoming iNaturalist training that we will be offering. Thanks!

You can find the page here: or search “Wildlife Observed in Williston” on the iNaturalist app on your mobile device. 

Monday, June 12, 2017

Williston Receives $400,000 Community Forest Grant

The Town of Williston received a $400,000 grant from the USFS Community Forest and Open Space Program for the Catamount Community Forest. The Forest Service awarded $2 million to seven Community Forest projects nationwide. Of these, the Catamount Community Forest was ranked #2! This award is a critical piece of funding for the project, and will serve as a catalyst for additional funding. Here is a Press Release about the grant award.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Public Forum - Catamount Community Forest

The Williston Conservation Commission and the Trust for Public Land are hosting a Public Forum on February 2, 2017 at 7 PM to discuss the Town of Williston’s potential acquisition of 370± acres of the current Catamount Outdoor Family Center land for a new Town Forest, with free public access for walking and snowshoeing. Please join us at the Williston Town Hall for an engaging evening of learning more about the Town Forest project and discussing some of the decisions to be made about its management. Refreshments will be provided.

For more information about the project:

Catamount Community Forest - project summary