Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Vermont Master Naturalist:  Williston Program will create a close-knit team of naturalists with specific training in Williston’s natural history across the earth, life and social sciences, who understand and can “read” the landscapes of Williston.  Williston has a rich natural heritage with habitat ranging from kettle hole bogs to schist ridges. Diversity underfoot gives rise to over a dozen natural communities resulting in an abundance of rare plant species.  Moose, bobcats, coyotes, bears, beavers, deer and foxes either pass through Williston or live here year around.  The Vermont Master Naturalist Program connects Williston citizens to the nature of their region through professional training based on the landscape level training of the UVM Field Naturalist Program and volunteer projects. Candidates will spend time on each site reviewing the geology, soils, hydrology, plants and animals (natural communities), human land use history, and signs of processes like wind, fire, or deer browse.  We will also discuss the conservation history and management issues relevant for each site.  The town will benefit long term from a community of naturalists acting as a brain trust for solving ecological issues facing our wild lands and serving as expert resources for conservation education in our schools and communities.   Field dates for 2018-2019 program will be four Saturdays:  November 10, February 16, April 13 and May 4.  Cost $395.  Scholarships available.  For information and to receive an application contact:  Laura Meyer  or Alicia Daniel